Vibrobyte: Haptic Feedback
wireless, haptic interface featuring a quick refresh rate, high current
output for driving variable loads / feedback devices, that can run from
a variety of power sources. The size of a pack of gum

page serves as a backup of the documentation hosted on the team
wiki, http://bluwiki.com/go/RPI_Haptics,
in a hopefully easier to browse, less cryptic fashion, with more uptime
:) |
Media |
vibrobyte is a wireless, reprogrammable, interconnectable reciever for
use in preformances; both local and co-located. It can run on a
variety of power sources, and can drive up to 4 seperate vibratory
motors, or dc devices, while changing color and communicating with a
master node at a high individual refresh rate. Devices are also
trackable via overead camera (each module has a high-power IR led).
High-speed, open source & hardware communications, the size of a pack of gum |
The vibrobyte was presented at "Telemorphosis" at
ICMC 2008. Technical details were presented at the
156th ASA Meeting and
NIME 2009.
Listed @ the Acoustic Society of America:
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Volume 124, Issue 4, pp. 2489-2489
Roadmap |
Media |
The following outlines each step data must take from the
initial triggering to the actuation. Different groups are focusing on
different portions of this process, and some in-between portions are
being dealt with as they emerge.
- Conductor creates/maps vibrobyte
OSC data for display (GUI and input mapping in Max/MSP, PD, etc.)
- Data is sent to remote spaces
- OSC Data is transmitted (ports must be open,
remote space must have necessary hardware & software)
- (...continues as with local space)
- Data is distributed at local space
- Data is packaged (from OSC into a form suitable
for local transmission: serial packets, using Max/MSP, PD, etc.)
- Data is sent via serial to an Arduino
- Arduino echoes data to RF transmitter
- Each vibrobyte
RF receiver sends packets to the microcontroller
- Each vibrobyte
microcontroller interprets the packets and executes the command
- Outputs (vibrator motors) may be actuated
(need to be attached to performers)
- LEDs may be triggered

Media |
revision Pauline.
This was the 4th
revision of harware, moving from custom RF and underpowered attiny to a
ful size atmega168 and a 915mhz daughterboard
- LEDs driven
directly from the 168, no transistor, and one quad resistor
- DC/DC step up
converter allows for multiple battery sources (2v->5v input)
- Correctly wired
RF receiver
- Correctly wired
- Proper 3x2 ICSP
- 2-position DIP
switch with permanently "on" DC-DC converter
- Smaller SOIC
output amplifiers instead of through-hole (1 amp / pwm output)
- Evenly bright
- Breakout into
through-hole contacts for unused ADC and other IO (side of pcb)
- Freepcb bac files: LINK
- Freepcb schema files: LINK
Arduino |
Functions |
Port +
Number |
168 Pin
7 |
PD7 |
5 |
Red LED |
PD5 |
6 |
PD6 |
9 |
Blue LED
PB1 |
3 |
Control |
PD3 |
11 |
Control + MOSI |
PB3 |
10 |
Control |
PB2 |
1 |
Battery |
PC1 |
[Assembly Instructions]
- Solder the 16 MHz crystal
- Solder the diode, C1 (1uF) capacitors, 100 uF
capacitor and MAX756
- Solder the RJ-11 jack
- Solder the 22 uH inductor
- Test that the MAX756 is outputing 5V and using about
20-30 mA (pin 1 or 5)
- C2 (22pF) capacitors, R1 (10.5 kOhm) resistor,
ATmega 168 and DIP switch
- Test that Pauline is using 30-40 mA
- Add the ICSP header and try connecting with the
- Add components for driving LEDs (quad resistor R2
and LEDs)
- Upload PaulineBlink
from the Arduino environment, the LEDs should flash (RGB, off, IR,
off); if not:
- Check the resistance between the 168 side of the
resistor and the positive terminal
- Check the resistance between the LED positive
terminal and the 168
- Make sure the solder is clean around the quad
resistor, and there is no cross-solder
- Add components for driving output
- Upload PaulineBuzz
from the Arduino environment, the motors should buzz (output1, pause,
output2, pause, output3, pause); if not:
- Check for cross-solder on the driver chips
- Make sure your motors are wired correctly
- Add RX module
[Programming Via Avr Studio:]
- Connect the AVR ISP MKII to Pauline and open AVR
- Go to Tools > Program AVR > Connect
- Under "Main", select ATmega 168
- Under "Program", select the "..." next to "Input Hex
File" and select Pauline.hex
- Hit the "Program" button
- Under "Fuses", next to "EXTENDED", "HIGH" and "LOW"
enter 0xF8, 0xDF and 0xFF (same as Arduino fuse bits)
- Hit the "Program" button
- Under "Lock Bits", next to "LOCKBIT" enter 0xCF
(same as Arduino lock bits)
- Hit the "Program" button
[Programming Via Arduino
- Change the above settings in AVR studio
- Open
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application
- Change
"upload.using=bootloader" to "upload.using=avrispmkii"
If this
doesn't work, you may need to disable the AVR Studio drivers and use
the libusb drivers instead. There are some notes here on doing that.
- When
reprogramming or updating firmware, via the ICSP header, output 2 will
- When not in use,
remove batteries from pauline to prevent parasitic draw (70ma). Pauline
pcb's can stay in standby for well over 20 hours from 2 standard NiMH /
NICD 2000mah rechargeable AA cells.
- When choosing
rechargeable batteries for performances, be sure to look for data
regarding output current, and charging current, most unmarked AA / AAA
style cells require overnight charging, whereas certain cells accept
larger current charge rates.
[The Transmitter]
Attached to a
users computer, the transmitter consists of an arduino, 915mhz transmit
shield and an rf amplifier
<code for
transmitter shield> |

100 Vibrobytes in a Weekend |
Video |
5 + solder + lots of little tiny components.
Media |
receive serial data. To make
it easier to control the vibrobytes, manipulate the control data, and
send control data over a network, there is also an OSC to serial
interpreter for Max/MSP.
communications are ttl rs232 based |
Communication, r3]
Revision 3 breaks
the basic 3-byte packet pattern of revisions 1 and 2. Packets are
composed of anywhere from 3 to 8 bytes and are specialized for a
continuous transmission system.
packet begins with a header byte followed by an address byte. Remaining
bytes are optional and specified by the header.
[Header and Address]
The header byte
takes the form 011a bcde
- a address type: 0 is single, 1 is group
- b-e packet includes output state, led state, modes,
and group state, respectively
Notice that the
header byte is the only byte to begin with a 0, distinguishing it from
all other bytes.
The address byte takes the form 1aaa aaaa, with all bits a used for an
address 0-127.
[Output State]
The output state is
encoded in two bytes 1wwa aass 1fff fooo
- w wave shape
- a amplitude
- s sustain
- f frequency
- o
outputs this applies to
[LED State]
The LED state is
encoded in two bytes 11ir rrrg 1ggg bbbb
- i ir
- r red
- g green
- b blue
Output mode and LED
mode is encoded in one byte 1111 ooll
[OSC Communications]
All OSC control
packets begin with /vibrobyte.
Every float should
be in the range [0, 1].
As per OSC-1.0,
i is int32, f is float32, and s is string.
/vibrobyte/output ,sisfffiii dest-type dest wave amp sus freq out1 out2 out3 /vibrobyte/output/mode ,sis dest-type dest output-mode /vibrobyte/led ,siffff dest-type dest ir red green blue /vibrobyte/led/mode ,sis dest-type dest led-mode /vibrobyte/group/add ,sii dest-type dest group /vibrobyte/group/remove ,sii dest-type dest group /vibrobyte/group/reset ,si dest-type dest
- dest-type destination type for
this message, takes the values {single, group}
- dest
- when dest-type is single,
a vibrobyte
- when dest-type is group,
a group number
- wave is the wave shape, takes
the value {square, saw-ascending, saw-descending, absolute-sine}
- amp is the amplitude of the wave
- sus is the sustain of the wave
- freq is the frequency of the
- out1, out2
and out3 are boolean values describing which
outputs this message applies to
- output-mode takes the value
{repeat, impulse, off}
- led-mode takes the value
{battery, quality, blinkinput, blinkoutput}
- group is a group number,
(starting with group 1, group 0
is reserved for referring to all vibrobytes)
Media |
abstraction is initialized with two arguments: the first to set its
type (group or single), the second to set its address. It can be
addressed via OSC, and can also be used as a GUI to output OSC. The
selected vibration pattern is made visible with a custom LED object.
See the help patch for more information.
To download the Max version and all dependencies in one easy package,
click here: LINK
Place in jsui-library folder.
- floats: changes the intensity (0 is off, 1 is on)
- setcolor: changes LED color
- setbgcolor: changes background color
- setdiameter: changes the LED diameter
- float: the intensity of the led, can be toggled between 0 and 1 by clicking
Color and size can be specified via the jsui Inspector window
arguments field. Right-click and drag to change intensity. Hold shift
for fine adjustment.
max v2; #N vpatcher 627 458 1026 709; #P window setfont "Sans Serif" 9.; #P flonum 59 212 35 9 0. 1. 3 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P window linecount 1; #P newex 275 91 93 9109513 prepend setdiameter; #P flonum 275 51 35 9 0. 1. 3 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P toggle 16 51 15 0; #P newex 165 91 87 9109513 prepend setbgcolor; #P user swatch 165 51 105 32; #P newex 59 91 77 9109513 prepend setcolor; #P user swatch 59 51 105 32; #P user jsui 59 141 64 64 1 0 0 etp.led.js; #P flonum 19 91 35 9 0. 1. 3 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P connect 2 0 3 0; #P connect 0 0 1 0; #P connect 6 0 1 0; #P connect 8 0 1 0; #P connect 5 0 1 0; #P connect 3 0 1 0; #P connect 1 0 9 0; #P connect 4 0 5 0; #P connect 7 0 8 0; #P pop;
[The Transmitter]
Attached to a
users computer, the transmitter consists of an arduino, 915mhz transmit
shield and an rf amplifier |
<code for
transmitter shield>
Its amazing what dedicated people can produce in a short
period of time. It was a privledge working with mcdonk, scully, and
jesse French.
careful, im not responsible for those soldering iron burns, or being
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Electrical & Electrical Power