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- skeinforge_application.skeinforge_plugins.analyze_plugins.analyze_utilities.tableau.TableauRepository
- SkeinisoRepository
- skeinforge_application.skeinforge_plugins.analyze_plugins.analyze_utilities.tableau.TableauWindow
- SkeinWindow
- Ruling
- SkeinPane
- SkeinisoSkein
class Ruling |
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Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, modelDistance, roundedRulingText)
- Initialize the ruling.
class SkeinPane |
A class to hold the colored lines for a layer. |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, sequenceIndex)
- Create empty line lists.
class SkeinWindow(skeinforge_application.skeinforge_plugins.analyze_plugins.analyze_utilities.tableau.TableauWindow) |
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Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, repository, skein)
- Initialize the skein window.
- drawRuling(self, projectiveSpace, relativeRulingEnd, ruling, tags, viewBegin, viewEnd)
- Draw ruling.
- drawRulings(self, axisLine, projectiveSpace, rulings)
- Draw rulings for the axis line.
- drawSkeinPane(self, projectiveSpace, skeinPane)
- Draw colored lines.
- drawXYAxisLines(self, projectiveSpace)
- Draw the x and y axis lines.
- drawZAxisLine(self, projectiveSpace)
- Draw the z axis line.
- getCanvasRadius(self)
- Get half of the minimum of the canvas height and width.
- getCentered(self, coordinate)
- Get the centered coordinate.
- getCenteredScreened(self, coordinate)
- Get the normalized centered coordinate.
- getColoredLines(self)
- Get the colored lines from the skein pane.
- getCopy(self)
- Get a copy of this window.
- getCopyWithNewSkein(self)
- Get a copy of this window with a new skein.
- getDrawnColoredLine(self, arrowType, coloredLine, projectiveSpace, tags, width)
- Draw colored line.
- getDrawnColoredLineMotion(self, coloredLine, projectiveSpace, width)
- Draw colored line with motion stipple and tag.
- getDrawnColoredLineWithoutArrow(self, coloredLine, projectiveSpace, tags, width)
- Draw colored line without an arrow.
- getDrawnColoredLines(self, coloredLines, projectiveSpace, width)
- Draw colored lines.
- getDrawnSelectedColoredLine(self, coloredLine)
- Get the drawn selected colored line.
- getScreenComplex(self, pointComplex)
- Get the point in screen perspective.
- getScreenView(self, point, projectiveSpace)
- Get the point in screen view perspective.
- printHexadecimalColorName(self, name)
- Print the color name in hexadecimal.
- update(self)
- Update the screen.
Methods inherited from skeinforge_application.skeinforge_plugins.analyze_plugins.analyze_utilities.tableau.TableauWindow:
- activateMouseModeTool(self)
- Activate the mouse mode tool.
- addCanvasMenuRootScrollSkein(self, repository, skein, suffix, title)
- Add the canvas, menu bar, scroll bar, skein panes, tableau repository, root and skein.
- addLayer(self, gridPosition)
- Add the layer frame items.
- addLine(self, gridPosition)
- Add the line frame items.
- addMouseInstantTool(self, fileName, gridPosition, mouseInstantTool)
- Add the mouse instant tool and derived photo button.
- addMouseToolsBind(self)
- Add the mouse tool and bind button one clicked, button one released and motion.
- addPhotoImage(self, fileName, gridPosition)
- Get a PhotoImage button, grid the button and increment the grid position.
- addScale(self, gridPosition)
- Add the line frame items.
- addSettingsMenuSetWindowGeometry(self, center)
- Add the settings menu, center the scroll region, update, and set the window geometry.
- button1(self, event)
- The button was clicked.
- buttonRelease1(self, event)
- The button was released.
- cancel(self, event=None)
- Set all entities to their saved state.
- cancelTimer(self, event=None)
- Cancel the timer and set it to none.
- cancelTimerResetButtons(self)
- Cancel the timer and set it to none.
- close(self, event=None)
- The dialog was closed.
- createMouseModeTool(self)
- Create the mouse mode tool.
- destroyAllDialogWindows(self)
- Destroy all the dialog windows.
- destroyMouseToolRaiseMouseButtons(self)
- Destroy the mouse tool and raise the mouse buttons.
- dive(self)
- Dive, go down periodically.
- diveCycle(self)
- Start the dive cycle.
- getAnimationLineDelay(self, coloredLine)
- Get the animation line delay in milliseconds.
- getDrawnLineText(self, location, tags, text)
- Get the line text drawn on the canvas.
- getEntityFromName(self, name)
- Get the entity of the given name.
- getPhotoButtonGridIncrement(self, commandFunction, fileName, gridPosition)
- Get a PhotoImage button, grid the button and increment the grid position.
- getRoundedRulingText(self, extraDecimalPlaces, number)
- Get the rounded ruling text.
- getRulingSeparationWidthPixels(self, rank)
- Get the separation width in pixels.
- getScrollPaneCenter(self)
- Get the center of the scroll pane.
- getScrollPaneFraction(self)
- Get the scroll pane top left.
- getSlideShowDelay(self)
- Get the slide show delay in milliseconds.
- getUpdateSkeinPanes(self)
- Get the update skein panes.
- isLineBelowZeroSetLayer(self)
- Determine if the line index is below zero, and if so set the layer index.
- isLineBeyondListSetLayer(self)
- Determine if the line index is beyond the end of the list, and if so set the layer index.
- keyPressDown(self, event)
- The down arrow was pressed.
- keyPressLeft(self, event)
- The left arrow was pressed.
- keyPressReturn(self, event)
- The return key was pressed.
- keyPressRight(self, event)
- The right arrow was pressed.
- keyPressUp(self, event)
- The up arrow was pressed.
- layerEntryReturnPressed(self, event=None)
- The layer index entry return was pressed.
- limitIndex(self)
- Limit the index so it is not below zero or above the top.
- limitIndexSetArrowMouseDeleteCanvas(self)
- Limit the index, set the arrow type, and delete all the canvas items.
- lineDive(self)
- Line dive, go down periodically.
- lineDiveCycle(self)
- Start the line dive cycle.
- lineEntryReturnPressed(self, event=None)
- The line index entry return was pressed.
- lineSoar(self)
- Line soar, go up periodically.
- lineSoarCycle(self)
- Start the line soar cycle.
- motion(self, event)
- The mouse moved.
- phoenixUpdate(self)
- Update the skein, and deiconify a new window and destroy the old.
- redisplayWindowUpdate(self, event=None)
- Deiconify a new window and destroy the old.
- relayXview(self, *args)
- Relay xview changes.
- relayYview(self, *args)
- Relay yview changes.
- resetPeriodicButtonsText(self)
- Reset the text of the periodic buttons.
- save(self)
- Set the setting values to the display, save the new values.
- scaleEntryReturnPressed(self, event=None)
- The scale entry return was pressed.
- setButtonImageText(self, button, text)
- Set the text of the e periodic buttons.
- setDisplayLayerIndex(self)
- Set the display of the layer index entry field and buttons.
- setInsetToCanvas(self, event=None)
- Set the repository insets to the canvas.
- setLayerIndex(self, layerIndex)
- Set the layer index.
- setLineButtonsState(self)
- Set the state of the line buttons.
- setWindowNewMouseTool(self, getNewMouseToolFunction, mouseTool)
- Set the getNewMouseTool function and the update function.
- setWindowToDisplaySavePhoenixUpdate(self, event=None)
- Set the setting values to the display, save the new values, then call the update function.
- setWindowToDisplaySaveUpdate(self, event=None)
- Set the setting values to the display, save the new values, then call the update function.
- shiftButtonRelease1(self, event)
- The button was released while the shift key was pressed.
- shiftMotion(self, event)
- The mouse moved.
- soar(self)
- Soar, go up periodically.
- soarCycle(self)
- Start the soar cycle.
- updateDeiconify(self, center=(0.5+0.5j))
- Update and deiconify the window.
- updateMouseToolIfSelection(self)
- Update the mouse tool if it is a selection tool.
- updateNewDestroyOld(self, scrollPaneCenter)
- Update and deiconify a window and destroy the old.
class SkeinisoSkein |
A class to write a get a scalable vector graphics text for a gcode skein. |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self)
- addToPath(self, line, location)
- Add a point to travel and maybe extrusion.
- getLayerTop(self)
- Get the layer top.
- getLayerZoneIndex(self, z)
- Get the layer zone index.
- initializeActiveLocation(self)
- Set variables to default.
- linearCorner(self, splitLine)
- Update the bounding corners.
- linearMove(self, line, location)
- Get statistics for a linear move.
- moveColoredThreadToSkeinPane(self)
- Move a colored thread to the skein pane.
- parseCorner(self, line)
- Parse a gcode line and use the location to update the bounding corners.
- parseGcode(self, fileName, gcodeText, repository)
- Parse gcode text and store the vector output.
- parseInitialization(self)
- Parse gcode initialization and store the parameters.
- parseLine(self, line)
- Parse a gcode line and add it to the vector output.
- setColoredLineColor(self, coloredLine, colorTuple)
- Set the color and stipple of the colored line.
- setColoredThread(self, colorTuple, lineList)
- Set the colored thread, then move it to the line list and stipple of the colored line.
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