
[10.30.2021] Reverse Engineering a Porsche Battery

A really interesting 13S lithium-ion battery module appeared

Welcome to automotive 'cruft',  a mysterious prototype Porsche battery with a built in BMS, in a gorgeous '48v' 26ah arrangement. The goal of this write-up is to reverse engineer the battery monitoring board, flash on homegrown software and use the existing hardware to integrate with another project, instead of adding a battery management board to a module that already had one. This process can be applied to a number of other automotive modules for re-purposing.

Quick Overview
Quick Component Analysis Checking on Cell Health Mechanicals

Image Directory

<I'm experimenting with a more mobile friendly layout, things may render weirdly, it's a work in progress>

Quick Overview of the board & Module
This is the rough layout of the mystery Porsche battery management board.

Given that it's presently 2021, its unlikely that this is a new design, and more of a copy-paste of a previous one, the BQ76PL536's are old and have been replaced by a newer variant. Having two can transceivers is also really really weird. This should be a node on a can bus, and as such you would only need one transceiver. It also looks like the BMS is powered by the sub module, not from the bus directly. This is not too strange but does mean its always running, whereas bus-powered modules can fully power down when not in use.
I do like the layout, everything is containerized and not terribly crowded. There are no 'unlabeled' / mystery components. The module itself is incredibly solid, laser-welded cell interconnects, resistance welded cell voltage sense leads and to top it off, the voltage sense leads appear to be epoxied over the resistance welded spots, either to prevent corrosion or to help it pass a shock and vibration test.

The module itself is separated into a isolated (communications) and non-isolated (cell measurement) portion. The isolated portion is fairly straightforward consisting of a linear regulator in an incredibly odd package a digital isolator and two CAN transceivers. Why are there two? Not sure, but follow along for more details.
Here's a 360 view of the module in all its spicy glory.

Component by component
Basic Battery Monitoring Overview
Most battery monitoring systems are broken down in to three parts, Cell Measurement, Micro-controller that takes actions based on cell measurements, and communications. With these three blocks we can dig a bit deeper to see how that is implemented.
The TI Analog Front End
The bq76PL536-Q1 is old. This is a ~2011 analog front end [AFE], rated for 3-6 cells. Here's the datasheet [link] and a local copy [link]. Lets check out how it works. This is a really early 'stackable' AFE, you can stack cell groups to make high voltage packs without having an isolation bus in between each AFE. Awesome, this means no magnetics no opto-couplers, just a string of ic's for an indefinitely high voltage module. You talk directly to the base AFE over SPI and can glean everything about its upstream brothers over one interface. What powers each module? The cells directly.
Note that this is a 3-6s AFE, so you must have at least 3 cells connected.
The AFE suggested operating voltage range is 7.2 -> 27v. This seems reasonable but the corner conditions are already starting to creep in. If you have a 3-series cell group that is a bit over discharged (2.3v / cell) , you can no longer read from that AFE or its upstream brothers, the analog front end is asleep.
but Dane thats fine like 2.3v is really low. It is for Lithium Ion but for other chemistries (lithium titanate, lithium iron phosphate) 2.3v is a deal-breaker.

Lets continue on reading more about this AFE, some notes:
  •  +/- 2.5mV cell measurement accuracy, not terrible
  • Two thermistor inputs
  • Hardware UNDER-VOLTAGE and OVER-VOLTAGE Lockout with hardware fault pins indicating global error state. It looks like the AFE does not need to be polled to trigger this, it seems to be activated by a bunch of internal floating comparators
  • Hardware Over Temperature detection also appears to be implemented by a set-able resistor divider to trigger a hardware over temp GPIO.

MC9S12G Micro-controller
The MC9S12G is part of the NXP "S12" series of 16 bit automotive micro-controllers. This series is targeted towards simple automotive applications that require CAN / LIN communications, sometimes used in actuators, sensors or even CAN connected lights.

I'm not as familiar with the NXP series but lets take a quick look to see whats inside. Here's the datasheet [link] and a local copy [link]. We have some interesting things and some slightly odd naming schemes. The only parts I'm really interested in are the Programming interface [Purple] the can interface [Pink] a debug UART/RS232 [Orange] and a SPI bus [Green]. My goal is to develop some incredibly basic firmware for the micro to enable it to just yell out over the CAN bus / RS232 for external hardware to read / data-log. To do this, the nice part is the hardware exists and is all routed. I also have three modules in case one has a hardware issue.

ISO724 Quad Channel Isolation Barrier
Here's the datasheet [link] and local copy [link]. This is a high speed capacitive digital isolation barrier. The ISO724 does not have the fancy isolation power supply built into the par like some of the other TI ISO barriers. It is fairly high speed at 25mbit. Like all isolation barriers, quiescent current is high, input quiescent is ~10.5mA and output is 25mA when data is pumping across. From a cursory view the BMS appeared to have a shared DC BUS (maybe 12v) that fed into that bizarrely packed 5v LDO. Instead of an isolated supply, the battery module feeds the battery side of the isolation barrier. This is somewhat mediocre, 25mA quiescent loading is fairly high, that's 600mAH / day or 4.2AH / week if no sleep-states are present. Admittedly its likely sleep states are used to power down the iso barrier when there's no traffic, more reverse engineering required to sort that out.
Some rough pinouts

Lets make sure the cells are healthy before we reverse engineer the BMS
I put the 13S mystery battery module on the capacity test fixture and grabbed a really excellent snapshot of the module's state of health. This plot looks great, the cells aren't terribly different capacity wise, and the slope is fairly linear. A less healthy module would have some cells discharging way earlier than others. The module is 'discharged' whenever the lowest capacity cell hits its minimum voltage, so just like a chain, its only as strong as its weakest link.
Raw Dataset & plots [xlsx] Note that this module came in at ~26.06 AH, which appears to be its design capacity.
Wait where did that plot come from?

This is my 'battery test fixture' based around the venerable Hyperion 1420i. If it wasn't clear this is a homemade rig with a small windows tablet communicating to the Hyperion 1420i over a bluetooth UART link.
To make this plot I manually connect to each cell with a JST-alligator clip adapter. The module is first balance-charged (test fixture is able to do a 400w charge), delay 1 minute and then  to automatically discharge and measure capacity. Each cell is sampled every second and written to a CSV file. You can glean from that image just how far apart the cells initially were, this module was fairly out of balance. Note that it is fairly SPICY to have the cell terminals exposed as they are rated for comically-high discharge rates. For the purposes of getting a full understanding, i discharged the module to a 3v cell limit, this is fairly low for lithium-ion however it provides a better indication for capacity difference between the cell groups.

Writing firmware for the NXP Micro
MC9S12G Development Environment
Lets take a look at some NXP quick start guides [link] local copy [link]. The development environment is "CodeWarrior  Development Studio for HCS12(X)  Microcontrollers (Classic)", otherwise that quick start guide was not terribly useful. To grab Codewarrior, you also need to make an NXP account. I grabbed the evaluation version 5.2 [link] and installed, note you have to use your NXP account to generate an eval license, save it locally as a license.dat. Its not totally clear what the evaluation license restrictions are aside from a 30 day license window. Along with the somewhat long install process, there is a separate installer in the background setting up device drivers. This process took a while,  like 12minutes.
Where the heck are the examples and demo files
I may be a bit too comfy with how easily accessible examples and projects are in the arduino community. NXP's demos are somewhat buried in app-notes, this one was somewhat helpful [link] [local copy]. My first goal here is to get the equivalent of 'blink an led' working, compile it without issues and then be able to pump it over to the on-board micro. The sample files are hidden away in a zip folder [AN4455SW.zip].
Ok lets start with the ADC example. OOF this is a lot to just read an adc. I'm already missing the analogread(x) from arduino land. Getting up to speed to read the TI AFE may be a bit more troublesome than anticipated. I need to simplify this a bit to make some progress. Ideally i want to (in order of importance):
  • Successfully program the micro and blink an LED / toggle a GPIO.
  • Talk over RS232 / ttl serial for debugging
  • Talk over SPI to the Analog Front Ends
  • Talk over CAN peripheral

Ok, so going to Youtube to see if anyone has a tutorial around this somewhat uncommon development environment. I found a getting started with codewarrior tutorial with the 9S12. Not bad. Ok so from this video i learned that the thing (or at least his dev-kit) is programmed over a com port (a-la arduino) but its not clear if the dev-kit he has, has a bootloader installed to enable com-port programming.

Comically we see a comment asking where any example code lives for just blinking an LED

And lo, there is the mother-load: [link]. The [very 90's looking] site is titled "Programming the Tech Arts 9S12C32 and 9S12DP512 boards"  progress! There's some reasonable intro material hosted there.  Unfortunately that's the only video 'James Smith' has up on the 9s12. More digging required. I found [available in archive] [link].

While i was digging, I did find a hint as to where these mystery packs came from. Check here: [link]  the file name saved the day:
 "E-Hybrid+Panamera+Battery+Fault-1.jpg". Hot dog! those are the same battery modules! So we now can be somewhat certain these came from a Porsche Panamera E-Hybrid. Ok this is interesting. The Panamera e-hybrid started in 2014 [link] and newer variants are born into 2021. Not sure when the modules i have were born but there's plenty of more digging to do. Kind of exciting, a ~100k hybrid speedy mobile. Lets see if there are any more breadcrumbs about this vehicle. It looks like there were only two batteries, a 14.1kwh and a 17.9kwh. We know the vehicle battery voltage and we know the cell capacity so lets check.
From [link] we know that the 2019 variant had the 14kwh pack at (nominal?) 382 V. 14,000 / 382 = a 36.6AH cell capacity. So lets make a chart because for whatever reason the capacities for these packs isn't easily accessible:
Capacity [kwh]
Pack Volts
Estimated Cell AH

Interestingly the Porsche parts website [link] shows only four modules on the 2018 variant. We know that the pack is roughly 104 cells (380v) nominal so its possible this is not the right diagram. Either way we have a possible part number: 9A791559160 and 9A791559150. We know that the modules we have are 13 cells in series, maybe there's two layers of what is shown in the diagram, or (13*4*2)= 104 cells. Ok that's somewhat likely.
Well we now have a part number and a likely vehicle. Lets see if there's a service manual or some spicy internet information hiding out there, ideally a wiring diagram.
Ok so we now know that we have a 2018 -> 2020 model E-Hybrid module. Lets dig up the service manual and maybe there's some hints about wiring / CAN.

(There's other photos in the photo gallery)
Concluding Remarks:


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Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 
Electrical & Electrical Power